Monday, March 22, 2010

Mt. Masada Sunrise Proposal with

Dear Whiteflash Sales Team,

Everything went well (for the most part). After she almost left her purse at my friend’s house, then lost the binder that had all of our reservations and directions for the entire week we were in Israel, we made it to Mt. Masada at 3:30 AM. Fortunately I planned in some extra time so even after I re-printed off our reservations and directions we got there early. We waited two hours on the side of the road for the park to open and then hiked 2km up the side of the mountain in 28 min. I found us a nice little spot on the top in the old fortifications. Once the sun had fully risen I asked her and fortunately she didn't leave my knee in the stone for too long! I was able to pull it all off before the Chinese tourists overran our position. I know most people do sunsets but I figured a sunrise would symbolize the new chapter in our lives.

She thinks the three stone diamond engagement ring is perfect.

Thank you,


Posted via email from Whiteflash Diamonds posterous