Most internet vendors sell their diamonds using a method known as drop-shipping. Drop-shipping means transporting goods from a distant supplier to a buyer under the seller’s address so that it appears as though the product came from the seller, not the supplier. This means that the seller NEVER SAW the diamond they sold you. personally inspects every diamond & every engagement ring like this BEFORE it ships to the customer. Guarantee: We will NEVER do this! has the largest in-house inventory of ideal and superideal Hearts & Arrows diamonds on the internet. Our diamonds pass the HIGHEST quality measurements even beyond their laboratory grades. Our exclusive, handpicked assortment of round, ideal round and fancy shapes is known as “Expert Selection” and our flagship line of premium ideal Princess and superideal Hearts & Arrows rounds are branded under the name Whiteflash ACA. We maintain over 1000 diamonds in our vault, all selected for surpassing beauty and performance.
We also have access to over 60,000 diamonds from the same list that other sellers use. But unlike others, if you buy a diamond online that is not already in our inventory we insist on bringing it in to Whiteflash first, to be verified for highest quality. After our inspection and analysis we send it to a local independent appraiser for formal verification.
We guarantee never to “drop-ship,” thereby ensuring the quality of your diamond purchase. We also have a 10-day, no questions asked, full return policy–making your diamond purchase virtually risk-free.
It is for these reasons, and many more, that we feel your diamond buying experience should start and end here at We strive to assist each of our clients in finding a diamond that is a perfect match for its owner. It gives us great pride to have your time honored traditions walk hand in hand with ours. Unleash your power to attain “a brilliant, diamond buying experience” with
Soon after the Hearts & Arrows diamond was introduced in the 1990s Whiteflash realized it represented a new high-water mark in diamond beauty, and dedicated himself to its further development. Introduced under the name Whiteflash ACA in 1998, their specially modified diamonds became the first branded Hearts & Arrows diamonds sold exclusively on the Internet. Today, they have gained global acclaim for unsurpassed Visual Balance™. Whiteflash is a leading authority on the crafting of Hearts & Arrows and gave a presentation on this subject at the first International Diamond Cut Conference in Moscow, Russia, in April 2004.