Monday, November 2, 2009

Edmonton man accidentally gives wedding ring to trick-or-treater

One trick-or-treater who stopped by an Edmonton home went home with chocolate bars, lollipops and a gold wedding ring.

James Fearn said his left hand was swollen from a recent fall so he switched his wedding band to his right pinky finger, the only other finger it fit.

“I was getting handfuls of suckers and chocolate bars and filling up my hands using both hands and I’m afraid this thing was a little on the loose side,” he said. “Somebody’s got my wedding ring.”

About 45 to 50 costumed kids stopped by Fearn’s home on Halloween.

Fearn has been married to his wife Patricia for 35 years and said the memories associated with the ring are priceless.

“It’s got a hell of a lot of sentimental value, a lot of different memories,” he said. “It means an awful lot . . . You’re not going to replace (a ring) you’ve had on for 35 years.”

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