My real Life Whiteflash Diamond Buying Experience!
Here's the deal - Are you in the Market for a
Diamond? Who can you trust? Are you actually looking on line? I was this person. I had a terrible experience with a brick and mortar shop. I had bought a diamond with inflated prices about 8 years ago. That experience had scalded me with regards to buying diamonds.
I found Whiteflash and after describing my experiences, they directed me with the UTMOST expertise. Beside the guarantees, Whiteflash provides customer service that’s unbelievable. I am super cheap with high standards. Whiteflash came through to prove that they are a premier diamond outfit.
You want to waste your money with some third rate store near you in your home town? Be my guest, the world needs ditch diggers too.
If you’re interested in working with a group that’s a "cut" above the rest, no pun intended. You need to give Whiteflash a call – I would highly recommend them!
N. Smith(yes a real person) purchased-
Asscher 1.51 - H VS2 VG VG - 68.8% 61% 6.16x6.08x4.18 Posted via email from wfdiamonds's posterous