Monday, January 18, 2010

Popping the question on Mt. Doom with Whiteflash

Dear Whiteflash Sales Team,


I hope you had a great set of holidays. So I think when we last left off I had told you I loved the diamond engagement ring and that I was preparing to go to New Zealand. Well the trip was amazing and so memorable. Between introducing Amanda to all my family and enjoying what the country has to offer we had a great time. It was really special to introduce her as my fiancé to my grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins as a future member of the family.

So about the proposal. Everything (and I mean everything including the weather which apparently had been bad for 2 weeks prior to the day we hiked) went according to plan EXCEPT for just one thing. After all my planning I totally overlooked the fact that hands (and fingers) swell considerably after a 9.5 hour hike. I proposed 5 hours in at the summit and we BARELY got the ring on. She had to suck on her finger for 5 minutes and we kind of forced it on. Good news though that the proposal was extremely memorable (and just extreme really). Once the swelling went down over the next day the ring fit perfectly. I attached some pictures of it on her hand and me proposing (and you can see for youself how swollen her fingers were!).

Thank you again for all your help and patience in helping me find the perfect ring (I hear a lot of "Good job on picking the ring!" when people see it). I hope you are keeping well.


Posted via email from Whiteflash Diamonds posterous