A flying thief made off with Julia Boaler's diamond engagement ring three years ago. Recently, the stole gemstone was recovered, but the thief was no where to be found.
The news doesn’t get much stranger then this.
Julia Boaler was taking a shower in her home three years ago, deciding to leave the bathroom window open to let out some steam. Little did she know that more then hot air would leave her bathroom that day as her diamond engagement ring, valued at more than 5000 British Pounds (approximately US$8874), would disappear. As Julia recalls, she left the ring near the open window, a shiny and appealing target for some quick working thief.
Yes, a magpie made off with her ring, but that fact wasn’t known until recently. After accusing a window washer of making off with the ring and then tearing up the bathroom to search for her prized possession, Julia had given up hope that the ring would ever be found.
Now a mother with a toddler and still planning to be married, Julia received the surprise of her life recently when she asked her fiance, Justin, to do some gardening. Besides pulling out weeds and spreading grass seed, Justin decided to prune their big oak tree when he noticed it — an old magpie nest with a shiny object glimmering from inside.
It was Julia’s diamond engagement ring.
Magpies are noted for being attracted to shiny objects and one must have seen her diamond sparkler shining inside the bathroom when it swooped in, picked it up, and flew to the nest where it resided for the next three years.
As for the offender? No magpie has been seen since and police aren’t likely to get involved. Julia is simply glad to have her ring back thanks to Justin’s pruning skills.