When choosing an engagement ring, it is important to think about the type of jewelry the bride-to-be normally wears, since this piece of jewelry will be one that she wears every day with every outfit she owns. If you both have already decided to go with an antique engagement ring design, then it is important to gauge what time period would be best to look in, depending on the bride-to-be's tastes.
Simply Elegant
If the bride-to-be is a woman of more simple tastes, where she enjoys some flair, but does not like things to be too complicated, then choosing a ring from the Victorian era is probably the best choice. Rings of this era tended towards the solitaire, where there is one focal point to the ring, a single stone.
If the bride-to-be is a woman of more simple tastes, where she enjoys some flair, but does not like things to be too complicated, then choosing a ring from the Victorian era is probably the best choice. Rings of this era tended towards the solitaire, where there is one focal point to the ring, a single stone.
Just because the ring is less intricate doesn't mean it is without personality. Antique engagement ring designs of this era give plenty of choices. The stones used in this era are diamonds, pearls, opals, rubies and even sapphires. You may find a bridal set in this era, but normally the engagement ring is meant to be worn alone as a simple statement of love and commitment.
Luxuriously Intricate
Antique engagement ring design of the Edwardian era tended toward the luxurious, where the wealthy could show off their wealth. The more detailed and intricate the antique engagement ring design, the better. If the bride-to-be likes here jewelry to be an accent, if not a statement, then this is the era for her.
The rings of this era also tend to be a solitaire, but the settings and mountings are much more detailed and the use of platinum is also increasingly common. Since technology advanced during this era, the lacey, interwoven patterns were a beautiful change from the more simplistic designs of the earlier era.
Artistically Beautiful
The antique engagement ring design of the Art Deco era was based on the architectural style of the time, which used geometric shapes and color to create an artistic work. If the bride-to-be has an artistic flair and likes her jewelry to be a centerpiece of her look, then the Art Deco era is a great place to look.
These rings use a centerpiece stone, which may or may not be a diamond, and place accent stones around it in geometric patterns. There are also nods to Egyptian, Asian and Native American art in some of the antique engagement ring designs of this era. At times these rings can be costly. To get the same look but at a lesser cost, vintage engagement rings are a great option. These rings are created in the same styles as the older rings but at a lesser cost.