The judges have spoken, the votes are in, the fat lady has sung etc.. Congratulations to Trent and his fiance Alisa for winning our Ultimate Groom Contest.
Take a look at the loot that Trent is raking in courtesy of our sponsors:, The Dessy Group, Adam & Eve, & Grilltopper.
Trent and Alisa are getting married on June 19th in Oklahoma City. By day, Trent is a 34-year-old marketing and commercial sales whiz living in Birmingham, AL. By night… he’s a wedding planning fanatic. Here’s Alisa’s winning nomination:
My fiance, Trent, is undoubtedly the most amazing fiance in the history of fiances! I can’t even begin to tell the story of how he proposed – let’s just say that he published a 250 page hardcover book of all of our previous email correspondence with a page at the back asking me to marry him. Amazing.
As soon as we got engaged, Trent set up a blog for us so that we could keep our friends and families updated on wedding plans, etc. As far as his contributions to the wedding planning are concerned, Trent was actually a little slow getting involved. He knows how important this day is to me, and he didn’t want to get in the way of what I wanted to see at the wedding. BUT – as soon as I asked him to help, he jumped in there wholeheartedly!
He arranged for the DJ (which isn’t an easy feat seeing as how Trent lives in Alabama and the wedding is in Oklahoma!). Trent was solely responsible for making and sending out our save-the-date magnets – which are beautiful! He has also helped tremendously with the guest list and invitations. And he’s taken over the contact with the crazy caterers…helping me get the cost of the food for the reception down to a bearable amount! And…he’s taken the responsibility of working out how we’re going to get my things moved from NYC to Alabama before the wedding in Oklahoma. That’s quite the feat!
But regardless of the wonderfully helpful physical contributions that Trent has made in terms of wedding planning, he has certainly been a HUGE support for me during this time. I’m in graduate school in New York, and things have been very stressful. Trying to finish school, plan a wedding in a different state, maintain a long-distance relationship, and live in what I find a very difficult city to live in – it’s tough. But Trent has been my rock. He’s kept me sane and grounded. He’s asked some difficult questions and made me really consider what’s truly important in life and in our wedding. He looks past the one-day event to the rest of our lives and has done so much to help us prepare for our future together.
Oh! And just this weekend, Trent arranged a surprise birthday party for me from 1,000 miles away. He flew in town, surprised me at a restaurant, and made sure that all of my friends were waiting back at my apartment for surprise #2! What a WONDERFUL man!
Maybe I’m a little biased, but Trent is the most amazing fiancĂ©. I would be THRILLED if he won the title of Ultimate Groom – and I’m sure he would, too! He certainly deserves it! Honestly, he deserves all that the world has to give!! I am so incredibly blessed to get to marry this man, and even if he doesn’t win this contest, Trent will forever be my Ultimate Groom!!
Here’s what a few of our judges had to say regarding their votes for Trent:
This is my top pick and gets my 5 points. I mean, the guy published a 250 page book of all their emails? Either insanely romantic or serial killer crazy. Either way, he wins. – the bachelor guy
Trent is a Groom of all Grooms! I cant even imagine printing all my e-mails with my bride, let alone creating a book! From blogging to single-handedly creating the save the dates, Trent has gone far beyond any groom I’ve met. Congratulations sir, you earned this! – ben the groom